Advocacy Campaign: #RISE one million signatures against sexual violence

The Western Cape RISE members are collecting one million signatures against sexual violence. This is an advocacy campaign in connection with Sinoxolo Mafevuka’s rape & murder case

The purpose of the event is to take a firm stance together against sexual violence. We care about creating safer communities where girls and young women in particular, are not affected by any type of sexual violence and/or its consequences.

The campaign consists of the following main activities:

On Thursday the 24th of March 2016 the Soul City team and Rise Members (branded) held the campaign at the Khayelitsha Mall and called out to the community members to sign a petition (on the poster –size papers) for no sexual violence against girls and women. This took place from 14h00 to 17h30. Approximately 500 community members including stakeholders signed the petition. Bush Radio Station was on board on the day and the day before. SAPS and Social Justice Coalition members also were present.

Opposite the mall at the Magistrate Court, the suspects were appearing. The suspects will be appearing again before the magistrate on the 20th of April 2016. The Soul City team and Rise Members will be outside the court on that day collecting more signatures and supporting the family of Sinoxolo Mafevuka.

On the social media platform, we are also encouraging conversations around #RISE one million signatures against sexual violence on twitter and face book where some of the Rise Clubs members and the Youth at large can engage and express their views.

We have forwarded an online petition to where more people can get to sign on the national level. is a movement for justice in Mzanzi.

The signed petition on the poster-size papers will be laminated and presented/lifted up by branded Rise members outside the court during the trials. Afterwards, the petition (hard copy and online) will be submitted to the magistrate.