Collins Chabane Municipality hosts a Youth Project launch

At our Limpopo office, Deputy Minister of Health Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo officially launched the Collins Chabane Youth Project as a World Aids Day leave-behind project for 2021 at our Limpopo office recently.

To make this event possible, five (5) Department of Health local areas in Collins Chabane Municipality, namely Mphambo, Tiyani, Shingwedzi, Mhinga, and Bungeni Local Area, participated in Youth Dialogues. The event was led by National Department of Health Deputy Minister Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, and the event was supported by Soul City Institute, loveLife, Collins Chabane Municipality, Contralesa, Bungeni Traditional Authority, Vhembe District Municipality, Cllr Percy Mashimbye, and the Collins Chabane Municipality Youth Council.

The program began with youth participating in aerobics, followed by a Youth Engagement Session with the Deputy Minister, during which they raised a range of issues that affect young people and prevent them from accessing health care, and culminated with performances by artists such as Benny Mayengani, Henny C, King Monada, and Mozi Phyll, among others. A youth zone and access to sexual reproductive health services were promoted at this event, which took place in local health care facilities.

By July Ndima