Lindley Rise clubs working hand in hand with SAPS for 16 Day's of Activism as well as World Aids Day

Five Rise Young women Clubs (Young Stars, Arise, Shine, Hot Divas & Cool girls) in collaboration with the local SAPS office and CPF took the Ntha community in Lindley by storm with the 16 Days of Activism Campaign that they have launched on 30 November and the World Aids Day- Know your status Campaign on 01 December 2015.

On the 30th of November it was all about sending out the message of No more tolerance for violence against women and children “If you see something that is Not Okay, you will say: It # not okay.

With the assistance of the local police officers the 5 Rise clubs were telling, advising and encouraging the Lindley community about women and child abuse and providing them with the relevant helpline contact numbers as well as distributing different informative domestic and child abuse flyers to by passers to read themselves. The police officers handled all the legal questions that were asked by members of the public.

On World Aids Day (01 Dec) the clubs went out again with their local SAPS as well as the Department of Health officials in their area. The message this time however that one needs to know your HIV/Aids status.

Rise members handed out Aids Day ribbons they have made themselves, HIV/Aids information flyers as well as condoms which they have all received from the Department of Health.

Nurses from two of the local clinics as well as several educators joined in the World Aids Day Awareness Campaign, assisting the clubs where needed and or possible.

People showed up at the Mobile clinic in high numbers to get tested which made all the effort worthwhile.