Rise Young Women’s Clubs 16 Days of Activism Campaign: Rosendal (Free State)

The Boikarabelo Rise Young Women’s Club from Rosendal were marching on Sunday, 29 November 2015 in the streets of Mautse, Rosendal in an attempt to send out a message to all Child Abusers living in the area that they will not keep quiet any more, but report all crimes against women and children.

Their aim = to help reduce the extremely high percentage of child rape in the Rosendal community. The main event took place Mautse community hall.

The guest speaker from Dihlabeng municipality, Bethlehem, Mrs Nnosi and the Ward Councellor Mrs Sempe were informing the audience about the rape, molestation and abuse cases in the area, encouraging all mothers to report such things rather than hiding it and trying to cope and deal with it themselves.

The police were educating the audience about legal procedures and where they can seek help.