Rise Young Women’s Clubs 16 Days of Activism Campaign: Makouspan and Brooksby (North West)

The National Department of Women and Children celebrated the beginning of 16 Days of Activism for No violence Against Women and Children in Naauwpoort on Wednesday, 25 November 2015.

Our RISE YOUNG WOMEN’S CLUBS in the Makouspan and Brooksby, namely; Unity Ladies, Inolofatseng, Utlwanang Ladies, Tshwaraganang and Reitsositse, were invited to join in the mobilisation of the campaign.

The community of Naauwpoort and surrounding communities congregated at the Naauwpoort Sports Ground to listen to messages from the Key Note Speaker of the day, the President of the Republic of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, The Minster in the Presidency responsible for women, Ms Susan Shabangu and the Premier of the North West, Mr. Supra Mahumapelo.

Utlwanang Young Women’s Club Chairperson, Tsholofelo Mokate, formed part of the second  programme, where she addressed the communities that were gathered, on what RISE YOUNG WOMEN’S CLUBS are doing to support each other, especially around GBV and alcohol abuse. She further highlighted the importance of counting ourselves in, in fighting for a violent free South Africa and the responsibility we have as a nation to move together towards that goal.