Rise Young Women’s Clubs 16 Days of Activism Campaign: Welkom (Free State)

Four Rise Clubs members from Thabong in Welkom (Dream Girls, Future legends, Matebele & Go Getters) took the initiative to organise a Aids Day/16 Days Awareness Campaign in Constantia Road - one of the main streets in Thabong on Thursday, 26 November 2015.

They invited several stakeholders to this event.

The following stakeholders were all manning stalls on the pavement of the road:

  • Lesedi – Lechabile Primary Care: educating the public on healthy and save ways to get circumcised as well as save sex - education
  • Rainbow seeds – free voluntarily HIV testing
  • Working on Fire – Importance of community action
  • DoH – voluntarily HIV Testing tent
  • Rise members  - Domestic Violence Facts and the importance of knowing your HIV status.

The Rise clubs and Working on Fire Team were marching down the road as from 8h30 until 14h00 informing by-passers of the: “If I see something that is not Okay I will Say its not #Okay” Campaign.

DJ Cell made sure that there was a sufficient number of information sessions in-between music informing the community of 16 Days of Activism, where to seek help as well as the importance of having save sex. ”If I see something that is not Okay I will Say it’s not #Okay” Campaign  was constantly marketed over the air by him.