SCI Joburg team attended the Code Red protest demanding a feminist, accountable and equitable government

Last Friday, Code Red staged actions in 7 locations across SA to demand a Universal Basic Income Grant, an end to fiscal austerity, an end to government and corporate looting, The resourcing and implementation of the National Strategic Plan on GBVF and the National Health Insurance and our SCI Joburg team was invited.

They joined the demonstration in Johannesburg's Constitutional Court with a team of ten individuals, including a Programme Officer, three Social Mobilisers, and six Rise members.

According to #CodeRed on their Twitter page, “feminists this is only the beginning of our fight for an equitable, accountable & feminist society & government”

The Movement

The #CodeRed Feminist movement was born out of the collective action of a group of feminists seeking to urgently respond to the crisis of the social unrest of July 2021, the structural determinants of the mass unrest and looting, and the ensuing violence that followed. The initial objective of the group was to develop a statement as they felt that a feminist voice/analysis was missing during the unrest. The space was deliberately conceived to be without hierarchy to enable plural leadership and ownership to emerge. #CodeRed is the formation that has emerged.

Their demands are:

  1. Universal Basic Income Grant - now!
  2. An end to fiscal austerity
  3. An end to government and corporate looting
  4. The resourcing and implementation of the National Strategic Plan on GBVF and the National Health Insurance.

About Code Red

#CodeRed is a collective of feminists in #SouthAfrica demanding an end to:

  • Patriarchal leadership
  • Escalating violence
  • Poverty & inequality
  • Inconsistent application of rule of law

During the protest a memorandum was delivered, said Programme officer Nondumiso Khethwa

For more information about Code Red go to