Soul City welcome Primrose to the Admin team

Primrose Ndhukula has recently joined us as a Programmes Administration Learner at Soul City Institute, and we would like to extend our warmest welcome to her.

Ndhukula is a student learner from South West Gauteng College. She has a Management assistant qualification.

Even though she is a quiet and shy person, she is also a hard worker who is motivated and willing to learn new skills. She is also a voracious reader. Ndhukula was born and raised in the region of Gauteng. Ndhukula stated that she has always desired to work in the corporate sector and that Soul City Institute is an excellent first step toward realizing her ambition. Ndhukula also noted that she has an interest in learning about the barriers that women and girls face in their communities, as well as the strategies that they use to overcome those obstacles.

“Soul City is an organization that I want to learn more about and grow in” Ndhukula What most sticks out to me about the organisation is the fact that SCI gives women a platform on which they can express themselves, address the issues that they are facing, and receive aid in overcoming those issues, allowing them to grow and thrive in their lives.

My five-year goal is to continue to work for Soul City while learning and being at the top of my game, as well as acquiring new abilities.