Soul City Television Series
Set in the fictional Soul City Township, Soul City mirrors the social, health and development challenges faced by poor communities everywhere, but particularly in South Africa. It weaves health and social issues into real-life stories for the millions of people who have grown to trust the powerful messages of this very popular programme.
Through a series of 12 invigorating seasons, Soul City tackled some of the pressing issues in the country and the broader region, including mother and child health, HIV/AIDS prevention and care, substance abuse, violence against women and girls, disability access, teen sexual health and rights, financial literacy and active citizenship.
Designed to keep people talking about the issues raised in the drama: SCI takes these discussions to other supporting mediums such as:
- Radio
- Social Mobilisation
The brand Soul City, is loved and trusted, with two generations of South Africans having grown up with us and several communities in the country naming themselves after the iconic township of Soul City.