
Reason requires impartiality
26 Apr, 2017

The New Age - 21 April 2017 - In building a non-racial rainbow nation, South Africans need to tolerate each other, even when protesting against one thing or another.

Fighting sex crime
20 Apr, 2017

Daily Sun - 20 April 2017 - We must end the violence of rape!

POLICY BRIEF: Alcohol marketing, youth and sexual health risks
18 Apr, 2017

Soul City Institute, under the auspice of the STRIVE research consortium, conducted a community-based study to assess the density of alcohol outlets in one urban and one rural community and explore young people’s perspectives on alcohol advertising, marketing and availability, as well as their drinking patterns and sexual health and safety.

Drinking and the price children pay
18 Apr, 2017

The Star - March 2017 - There is an urgent need for more stringent legislation and monitoring of alcohol usage by South African youth.

Booze adverts tempt kids
26 Feb, 2017

Bombarding young people with alcohol advertisements and operating taverns close to schools entices them to start drinking alcohol much earlier in their lives, a new study has found.

Alcohol ads luring SA youth to drink
24 Feb, 2017

Young people have admitted that alcohol advertisements entice them to drink, providing a further impetus for a proposed ban on alcohol advertising.

Policy Brief: Alcohol marketing, youth and sexual health risks
23 Feb, 2017

The study found that rural and urban youth are heavily exposed to persuasive and appealing alcohol advertising in their home environment. Easy access to alcohol and low prices facilitate alcohol misuse and related health risks including risks to their sexual health.

Young people and alcohol advertising
23 Feb, 2017

Young people’s views on alcohol advertising, marketing and availability have a direct influence on drinking patterns and sexual behaviour in society, say researchers who addressed a media briefing hosted by the Soul City Institute for Social Justice today.