The groundbreaking community development initiative, Kwanda, will be holding its third Imbizo in Kwakwatsi in the Free State on Monday 14th April. This is part of a series of Imbizo’s taking place in Kwanda communities around the country. The five communities are Lephepane in Limpopo, Tjakastad in Mpumalanga, Kwakwatsi in the Free State, Pefferville in the Eastern Cape and uMthwalume in KwaZulu Natal.
Elections 2014 Health Policy Debate with various political parties organised and held at the Soul City Institute on Thursday 10th April.
South Africa has the most intimate partner violence deaths in the world: It is time to act, says Savera Kalideen.
The groundbreaking community development initiative, Kwanda, will be holding its second Imbizo in Mthwalume in KwaZulu Natal on Friday 4 April. This is part of a series of Imbizo’s taking place in Kwanda communities around the country. The five communities are Lephepane in Limpopo, Tjakastad in Mpumalanga, Kwakwatsi in the Free State, Pefferville in the Eastern Cape and uMthwalume in KwaZulu Natal.
The manual is designed for media practitioners and activists who wish to use the power of entertainment and mass media to promote health, human rights, and social justice. Drawing on successful stories and case studies from Africa and elsewhere, this manual is designed to inspire, give fresh ideas, and share experiences of interesting edutainment programmes.
Soul City’s regional partner organisation in Mozambique, N’weti in partnership with MASC Mozambique, will be hosting an international conference on SRHR from 2nd to 3rd April 2014 in Maputo.
Alcohol abuse breeds apathy and joblessness, and fuels abuse in an ever more vicious cycle.